Friday, December 19, 2008

Soooo sorry it's been so long

With the holiday's it's been crazy busy. So here's the update on the family...
Jackson got her first 100% on spelling and they were hard words that i honestly couldnt spell. She is getting tall and becoming a beaytiful young women. (of course with a teen attitude.) Brody is getting bigger and bigger everyday he weigh's 14 lbs 10 oz. he is usally really happy and just figured out his tounge yesturday. It"s funny cause he will get gigglin so hard that it gives him the hickups. Landon is are worry child. He only weighs 11 lbs 3 oz witch is way to small for his age. He went in on Monday to the dr. and the dr. sent him up to PCMC to have some test done. This was scary cause one of the test was a sweat test to see if he had cystic fibrosis. We started all the test at a little past 2:00pm first the send shock wave like things into both legs for 5 min. then they put little pieces of cotton where he got shocked then they wrap his legs with cello wrap then like a stretchy tape. He has to be bundled like this for 1/2 hour so that the cotton can absorb the sweat. We didn't get the results till Wednesday, and YEAH they came back normal. So did all his blood work. So now it's off to the F.U.N. clinic witch is a nutrtionist. But no cystic fibrosis wich was such a relif to hear. I can honestly say i cried myself to sleep worring about the little guy!
So that's pur life. Have Happy Holidays!!!!